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A little introduction to my heart and soul
For some strange reason my love of wetlands, ponds, and all things to do with these type of habitats began at a very early age. I use to grab my Mums tupperware containers and spend hours creating pretend ponds with plants and weeds which obviously were not necessarily aquatic however they fulfilled my dream vision of what the landscape should look like. In addition to the plants I would find tadpoles
(most likely mosquito lave), snails and anything else which I assumed would happily hang out in my miniature water world. Being an only child of artistic parents meant drawing and exploring nature was a big part of my daily life. I was always happy to hide within our garden absorbed by my own imagination. Our suburban back yard was my dreaming place and this is where I believe I began observing the beauty of natures offerings.
When the summer holidays arrived a big group of family and friends would meet each year to camp by the Murray River in Victoria. My childhood was full of fun and activities along the rivers edge. I was never a child who spent time at the beach instead I experienced the wild and rugged environments of the Australian bushland. I was always surrounded by the shadows of large gum trees and their reflections upon the water. I was captivated by the trees which were semi immersed in the water and the dancing shapes of leaves and branches bathed in the light of our nightly camp fire. Through my eyes I saw a landscape beyond the distant views of the horizon line instead I saw a multitude of shapes and shadows of the tree roots and the way in which they connected to each other. I would notice the differing layers of soil colours and grasses which lined the edge of the embankment. This was the beginning of my own translation of these habitats which have shaped my love of art and painting today.
Faith, Worship & Devotion
Sometimes when you see pretty colourful art you would assume its all just that, however I have within my art many deep thoughts and feelings which reflect a type of conversation I have with the land and the way the human species relates to it. I refer to this visual storytelling as a way to convey an ancestral journey of mark making and symbolism. It is an angle of 'seriousness' which my art is not trying to push in front of you instead I choose to allow a joyousness to pull you in. I have always been very disheartened by the obsessive attention we give to worshiping 'things' such as God like deities, manmade religious beliefs, cult followings, objects of biblical significance and so forth. It begs the question of why are we so detached from a devotion to the most 'real' and astonishing existence of nature, the planet, Mother Earth and its extraordinary eternal giving which it shares with us without expecting nothing more than respect.
If a God energy created the earth and all living things then I ask 'why'? Why are we so committed to such cruel and destructive behaviour to the environment and its wildlife.
It is this imbalance of neglect which fuels my fire to paint.
My art is an expression of devotion through a dialogue of creative joy. I do my best to give each element a Divine presence. Two symbols I use occasionally are halos and arches which are commonly used in religious artworks to denote saints and deities etc. My Mark making is a connecting web, a type of weaving together of wisdom passed down through each generation. A web which connects each element as if one can not exist without the other.
I have started to write some of the stories of my artwork on my Wild Offerings web page.
By sharing their stories I hope to allow a transparency to be witnessed and possibly an awakening to transpire.
Tiffany Kingston

I would love to share with you the stories and inspiration behind my artwork.
Visit link below.